Ad Metrics
General Metrics
Term | Definition | Additional Details |
Impressions | The number of times an ad was shown. | This does not equal the number of people who have seen your ad(s). |
Clicks | The number of clicks your ad(s) recieved | |
Click Through Rate (CTR) | The percentage of impressions that resulted in a click | If you had 100,000 impressions and 1,000 clicks, you would have a 1% click through rate |
Cost or Spend | The cost of your ad media | |
Cost Per Click (CPC) | The average cost per click of your ad(s) | If you spend $1000 dollars and receive 1000 clicks, your cost per click would be $1.00. |
Conversion Metrics
Term | Definition | Additional Details |
Conversion | The number of sign ups, checkouts or other measurable completion that a user has taken | |
Conversion Rate | The number of clicks that ended in a conversion | If you had 1000 clicks and 25 conversions, your conversion rate would be 2.5% |
Cost Per Conversion / Acquisition (CPA) | The cost of your ad media, divided by the number of conversions | If you spend $1,000 dollars and received 25 conversions, your cost per conversion would be $40 dollars |
Facebook Metrics
Term | Definition | Additional Details |
Actions | The number of page or post likes, comments, shares, video views | |
Page Likes | The number of people who like your page | |
Website Clicks | Facebook uses "clicks" to calculate all clicks on a given ad. Website clicks are a subset of "clicks" and include only those clicks that went to a non Facebook URL in the ad / page post | One user could click the like button on a post, click the photo in a post, and click on the URL in the body post. That would be 3 clicks, 1 of which is a website click. |
Video Metrics
Term | Definition | Additional Details |
Video Views | The number of views your video has received | |
Video Completions | The number of completed (95% or further) video views | |
Cost Per Completion | The cost of your ad media, divided by the number of videos completions | |
Completion Rate | The percentage of video views completed | If you had 10,000 video views, 6,500 of which were completed, you would have a completion rate of 65%. |