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Alex Forbes

Digital Advertising Associate

Alex is a Digital Ads Associate at Blueprint Interactive. He recently graduated from Rhodes College with a BA in Politics and Law and a concentration in Environmental Studies  

Before joining the team, Alex worked on digital organizing and fundraising for Democrats in the mid-south. Most notably, Alex was the Campaign Coordinator for Shelby Co.. District Attorney Steve Mulroy and was the digital marketing associate for Future901, an organization supporting progressive candidates across West Tennessee. He has also spent time as a congressional intern, a legal assistant, and as a field organizer for Mike Espy when he ran in Mississippi for a U.S. Senate seat. 

Outside of work, Alex enjoys playing the drums, watching b-tier action movies, thrifting, and the odd Zumba class. 


Cuéntanos sobre el proyecto o campaña que estás trabajando y cómo podemos ayudar.

Let’s Chat

Let us know about the project or campaign you're working on and how we can help.